Monday, January 29, 2007

Things I Like: Sweet Potatos
Things I Don't Like: Hills

Two of my co-workers have joined forces in weight loss and are including me on their 30 minute lunch walks. We walked down the street, up a hill, and then back down the street past the office to get in a full 30 minutes. This is only the second time I've gone with them. I really dislike that hill, but I'm determined to be able to walk up it without feeling like I could pass out.
For dinner this evening I baked a sweet potato in the microwave. I must remember to bake a few sweet and white potatos in the toaster oven and refrigerate them. I like sweet potatos and they are so satisfying and filling, but I'm not super fond of the way the microwave makes them tough and a bit dry.

Exercise .5/3.5 by Feb 4


Donna said...

I hear you on hills! I think people who don't live here would be surprised to find out how many hills we have in SoCal -- I know your neighborhood has a few!

Personally, I do my best to avoid them when walking, so kudos to you for taking your exercise to a new level. Ha!


Anonymous said...

Cool. Walking buddies! :) And way to go on the hills, Marjorie.

I so see you walking up them--before you know it--easily and effortlessly.

And yumilicious! Sweet potatoes are the best! And let's talk about the microwave thing--because when I do mine, that's how I do them, and they are rather soft and mushy. :)
