Tuesday, February 13, 2007

1/4 of the way there

It's Day 23. We're 1/4 of the way there. I'm having some feelings of overwhelm over all the things I have to do and am trying to figure out what I can release. Giving up getting up at 5:30 to go to the gym was NOT an option, I'm happy to report. I take on a lot and see things that need to be done all around me. I know that life is not about how much you can accomplish but how much you enjoy life, but it's just who I am to want to get a lot done. I know that working full time with a 40-50 minute commute each way, going to graduate school, having several pets to care for and all the chores of a household doesn't leave a lot of other time left over. But I know that getting my body to its healthiest level is an important investment in myself so I will continue to get up at 5:30 during the week to exercise.

Exercise 2/2 by Feb 18

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yipee! :) Congratulations, Marjorie, on staying with your commitment so well and getting to the 1/4 mark! Yay!

I know what you mean. Life is overflowingly full at times....especially for those of us who are already workaholics by nature. :)

I am so glad, though, that you are not letting the exercise part go.

I find that if I keep my NAFP in place #1--I deal with the rest of life in a more balanced and better way--and #2--if I can keep up with my exercise--it helps my body, mind, spirit and emotions so much!

It is a great gift to ourselves if we can do this.

Love you, Marjorie! And keep on doing what you're doing! You're doing most triumphantly!

