Thursday, February 15, 2007


Tonight's yoga class was just what I needed. Danielle put together a class about Santosha Yoga. In the description for the class it said:

“Santosha, or the practice of contentment, is the ability to feel satisfied within the container of one’s immediate experience. It is a sign that we are at peace with whatever stage of growth we are in and the circumstances we find ourselves in.”

That's it. I'm not content with my current circumstance vis-a-vis my weight as it is now. We've had this discussion in group before. If I am satisfied with my weight I would stay where I am and not put effort into reducing it. I am not satisfied with my weight, therefore I am making efforts to reduce it. Satisfaction and contentment are not the same thing, I realize. So how do I get to the place where I am content with where I am now, but not satisfied with it. I think if I were to make a list of things about my body or appearance that I am satisfied with then maybe I could be content with my body, yet not necessarily satisfied with my weight.

Things I like about my appearance/body:

  • eyes
  • lips
  • hair
  • skin
  • ample chest (hey, I'm being honest)
  • legs
  • strength growing in my arms (thanks to yoga)
  • flexibility in hips (also thanks to yoga)
  • that I can walk steadily even in high heels (three years ago I was barely able to walk and could not wear heels or back-less shoes)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I like how you just did that...and you do have beautiful eyes, lips, hair, skin,....:)

For me, it may even be the gratitude piece that works here while I am releasing weight.

Obviously, I was never content to be heavier than I wanted to be and that did motivate me to eat in a certain way and exercise consistently-- over long periods of time-- to get where I wanted to be--but I was definitely grateful....grateful that I was on my way back down, grateful that I felt closer to God after my withdrawal was complete, grateful that I was not overeating anymore and that my life felt more manageable again, grateful that I was healthy and felt better than I did while in the food, etc.

Maybe when those more negative feelings and thoughts arise, saying, "Thank You, God, that I am doing so well with my commitment. Thank You, God, that I am staying on my NAFP and exercising like a maniac! :) Thank You, God, that I feel stronger and I am healthy! Thank You, God, that my weight is going down. Thank You, God, that I do have amazing, beautiful, expressive, loving blue eyes, and...." etc. Maybe that is enough to keep you up at a higher place
as you keep carrying out the actions to get you to where you ARE going to get to. :)

With Love,