Friday, March 2, 2007

Another Awesome Daily Word

The March 1st Daily Word was so perfect for how I'm feeling this week.

I am a courageous and strong creation of God.
I may wonder, if life never offered challenges, how would I ever discover the depth of my courage and skills?
In truth, I have all that I need to meet any circumstance. I have the ability to respond to life’s situations with poise, grace, and wise action. And I do this in all matters by including prayer as my daily practice.
As I still my body and mind in quiet times of contemplation, I breathe gently and easily. I remember the truth about me: I am divine in nature. Whole in mind and body, I have all the spiritual faculties needed to triumph in any situation.
Taking a full, deep breath, I return my attention to my surroundings. I am a courageous and strong creation of God.
“David said further to his son Solomon, ‘Be strong and of good courage, and act. Do not be afraid or dismayed; for the Lord God, my God, is with you.’”—1 Chronicles 28:20

The second line really hit me because even though I've stated this same idea a few times recently I hadn't really thought about how it pertains to me right now. It is the challenges in life that mold us, that make us stronger, and that make us who we are. The truly amazing part is that I have the ability to handle it and triumph through it! I am strong. I can get through this. But like any challenge, I have to keep persevering if I want to get through the other side.
The light at the end of the tunnel isn't as far away as I thought! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mmmm. This is so perfect, Marjorie!

You are absolutely a courageous and strong creation of God!

And--"Thank You, God!" that we do always have all that we need to meet any circumstance. Meanwhile--prayer surely helps! I rely on it 24/7.

I am so glad you are living in your power and allowing your challenges to make you more of who you truly are! Strong, capable and most triumphant! :)

I already see you on the other side--and you are lookin' quite pleased with who you are in the midst of becoming! :)

The light at the end of the tunnel is actually already within you! I've seen it often and I know that you are the light and you shine so beautifully! And all of us are blessed by this! So, thank you.

Love you,