Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Something Caught My Eye This Morning

I like to read the Daily Word which is a publication of Unity. When there is one I really like I tear it out and tape it to my bathroom mirror. Today as I was getting dressed a line popped out of this one from March 28, 2006.

I let go and let God be God in my life.
There may be a time when I wonder why I am not making progress toward some goal I feel is meaningful only to discover I'm the one creating the resistance. When I stop blocking my good by the way I think and act, I let go and let God be God in my life.
Releasing all concerns to God, I acknowledge that what I am seeking is already present. I realize that God's good is in each and every area of my life. One with God's power, I receive revelation after revelation of the blessings that are waiting for my loved ones and me to accept.
I marvel at the wondrous power of God--the Holy Presence that is all-knowing, all- powerful, and ever-present. God is not just a power. God is the One Power.
"Turn to me and be saved, all the ends of the earth! For I am God, and there is no other." --Isaiah 45:22

The line that popped out at me was "I acknowledge that what I am seeking is already present." In a way that makes total sense to me because I often have a sense that the weight, the fat is not part of me. It's like some lychen or fungus growing on tree (me) so the thin me exists underneath it. And yet in another way I can't imagine it as being true in this moment at all.
My mind has been playing a lot of games with me lately. I started to think that it was all the focus of the 90 Day Challenge that was bringing this up but I think my head has played these games with me before. I feel like I am such a strong woman... and yet I can't stop these games from going on inside my head. It's very frustrating and I often think that maybe it's just time to stop trying to lose weight.


Donna said...

Blogs sure are good for processors, aren't they? ;)

My favorite line from this is the first one: I let go and let God be God in my life.

Yes, when I let go and let God it's like I'm surrendering to the goodness of life--to the miracle, to the surprise, to the joys my human mind can imagine--and those wonderful surprising miracles I haven't yet "thought" of.

For me, sometimes, "trying" is another word for "struggling." And I don't want to struggle. My favorite days are the free and light ones spent doing the things that make me feel good. These days involve the people I love and the activities I love--both of which are God in expression in my life.

I find that when I do that, the rest takes care of itself, including it being easy to follow my NAFP and follow this Challenge, which I know will result in more weight release.

But how do you get from here to there? I find during those times when I feel myself struggling, and I am aware of the struggle, the answer is to immediately turn those thoughts over to Spirit. (I actually visualize the thoughts and putting them into God's hands.) I've had a good amount of practice with this, and it becomes easier each time. Let go and let God.

So, I agree and I believe, this Daily Word is right on to propel you to the next level of a more happy, bouncy, joyous life!

I love you, Marji!

Anonymous said...

Mmmm. What a wonderful Daily Word. I love it.

Doesn't it just make you feel like, "Aaaah, I can just relax now, release all my resistance--and let God do God's thing through me"?

The thing I keep getting from "The Secret" is to keep my mind on my vision--not my now--unless my now is what I want. If I can see--I can be it. And I tell you, Marjorie, I can see you at 147 so clearly at this point. :) So, it is already true in my mind's eye and that, apparently, is what Jesus did as well. He did not give any attention to what was visible. He saw each person in their complete wholeness-- and with their faith-- and the power of God behind Him--brought their wholeness into reality.

We are doing this now too--on some level. Ya know?

We are seeing you as we know you truly are--underneath any seeming surface appearances--and one of these days--we will dance in the streets as the true you reveals itself with joy and gratitude!

A part of me really loves that all this stuff is coming up with you, Marjorie, so that it can be healed and seen for what it is.

How nice it will be when your mind is free of this whole battle.

And I would stop "trying" to lose weight, absolutely. You "are" losing weight--period--and you know, on some level, that what you are doing already is making this happen.

In treatment we were not allowed to say "try." The counselors would say, "Trying is dying! You either do it or you don't." So, we did not try. We just did it. And you are doing it, now!

All is well.

Breathe, relax, trust yourself, your body and God--and just enjoy this beautiful day! :) The weight is coming off.

We are so incredibly blessed.

Love you,