Tuesday, February 27, 2007

What Does It Take?

Monday morning has sort of become my weigh in day since we started the 90 Day Challenge on a Monday. As of Sunday night we've completed 5 weeks. Sort of amazing how time is flying by.
As of yesterday I was back at a 5 pound weight loss. Now, you may be thinking "I thought you got to 5.5 pounds a few weeks ago" and you would be right! But then it bounced up and down a bit for a couple of weeks. Today I'm back at 5. I was reading the blog of a male who is a food addict on the HOW diet (the diet that OA members often go on) and he was losing multiple pounds each week and had the nerve to whine about it. I understood the feeling, but had no sympathy for him! ;) Over the past few weeks of minimal to no weight loss I've wondered if this is just how my body works or if I'm not doing enough. Do I need to drop to 1200 calories to see much weight loss? I've even wondered if I did one of those liquid diets where you drink a few shakes a day or if I ate the Nutri System food that I keep seeing advertised if that would do it. (Relax, I'm not considering it! I said I was wondering.) Or no matter what I do, is it going to be a pound or less a week and that's it? I'd really like to know "What does it take?" Between the slow weight loss and the peri-menopause I'm experiencing at 36 years old (according to what a co-worker is telling me) I feel like my body is working against me rather than with me. I hear that when you turn 40 you stop worrying so much about that sort of thing. Maybe so, but I'm not 40 yet!


Donna said...

I understand your frustration, SBF. Who wants to do this and not see some super results?

My best suggestion is to remember to stay much, much more "interested" (Rev. Michael Beckwith level of interested) in seeing this work rather than one of those alternative ways.

Hugs, Donna

Anonymous said...

A 5 pound weight loss is awesome!

It is all how we choose to look at things--always--and "Thank You, God! that you have a solid 5 pound weight loss in 5 weeks!" :) Woo hoo! Most triumphant!

This is a good thing! And I certainly feel grateful for it--for you--even if you are not feeling this regularly.

The #s and the timing on this are out of our hands. I learned this, through experience, because there were times when my weight loss took longer than other times, for whatever reason--and I just had to stay focused on where I was headed and leave that part to God--knowing that I would get there--in Divine Timing--period.

I have said this before--but I had to surrender the #s and the timing and do my part--for as long as it took.

Often I chose to not get on that scale for months--because it made me nutso cuckoo.

It was more important to me that I felt good and close to God--than be affected by those #s along the way.

I like to feel good. :) That is why this program is titled, "Living Happy, Joyous and Free on The Road Less Traveled with Food."

We are not meant to feel crummy. We are alive today...here on this amazing planet earth--with such opportunities to enjoy our blessed lives and be of service to others.

I am not willing to keep doing things that make me feel bad and I am willing to look at how I am looking at things and re-think things so that I feel better. Ya know?

The #s on the scale were going to do their thing on their way down--but I was committed to enjoying my life and getting to where I wanted to go--so I did my thing and let that part go.

And it always worked.

My being slim and happy, joyous and free was that important to me--so that's what I did--for as long as it took.

And I enjoyed myself along the way--because I knew God and the universe were with me on this--and that I would love the end result.
And I did.

I knew that as long as I stayed on my NAFP, kept my calorie intake down to where I lose weigh at--and exercised regularly--as hard as I could at that time--the weight would come down.

What does it take?

It may be different for each of us--but a part of us knows this within ourselves.

The question then becomes "Are we willing to do what it takes to get where we want to be?"

I am. And at 40, I still care about my weight and I imagine I will until I am 92.

The truth that I cannot deny is that I do feel better about myself when I am at a certain weight.

Marjorie, you are doing great and you are right where you need to be and if I were you, I would stop giving those #s so much power--and believe with all your heart and soul that your weight is going down in Divine Timing, and just really enjoy the journey. This is your life! :) Today. :)

We are so blessed!

And I love you and I am still seeing you at 147--because that is your goal--and I know that it is here for you. And you already look amazing and beautiful and glowing and slimmer!

And another thought that comes to mind--if you are going to think upon the #s--is to break it down into 10 pound increments--so that you can celebrate each time you hit a marker--and hold that higher energy!

In this way--you are already half way to a CELEBRATION! :)

Or even 5 pound increments and so it is "CELEBRATION TIME, COME ON!"

If we stay at these higher levels--your vision has to match your experience even quicker--according to the law of attraction--right? So let's do it! :)

And lets refuse to go to places where we don't feel good anymore during this challenge.

This is supposed to feel good! :) We like to feel good! Let's have more feeling good! :)

That's what you deserve, Marjorie.

I love and appreciate you so much!