Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Mens Sana in Corpore Sano

A Healthy Mind in a Healthy Body!
I saw this phrase this morning for the first time in a Dole Nutrition Institute Newsletter (if you like reading about the latest news in nutrition I highly recommend it!). That is exactly what I am striving for! I want a healthy body but not at the expense of my mind. And I want a healthy mind, but not at the expense of my body. I've read in several places lately that taking care of our body as we age by exercising a few times a week keeps our mind from developing the dementia that often comes with aging. Older people can even reverse a certain level of dementia by starting to exercise a few times a week. Our bodies really are resilient.
On the other hand, our bodies do still let us know when we are doing something to it that's not good. A few days ago I had a splitting sinus headache and stopped-up nose so I took a Claritin-D. I was in this angst kind of mood all day like I just wanted to rip someone's head off. I hadn't taken it in so long that my body was shocked by it. Donna said that when she started drinking caffeinated coffee again after drinking decaf that her body reacted strongly too. And yet when we regularly consume these items our bodies seem fine. My guess is that it really isn't. That it puts up barriers to these things. We don't realize it until we remove them from our system, our body goes "Whew!" and tears down those walls, and then we consume it again and our bodies go "ACK!" When I tell people I don't eat sugar or wheat they say "It doesn't bother me" but I bet for at least some of them, if they'd get it out of their system and then eat it again they'd notice their body reacting...and likely their mind reacting too!

My husband weighed his ham this morning when he was making his sandwich. I had to laugh because that's what I do every morning--weigh out the food I'm eating. I guess I've rubbed off on him. He says he doesn't mind that I've rubbed off on him because he's "gonna drop weight like a stone"--whatever that means.

Exercise 1.75/2.25 by April 8
Still no Charmed at the gym today. :( I asked again but I guess a few people asked for local news. Well, what about the people who don't want to watch news!?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I totally agree. Until we go 28 days-- or more-- without ingesting certain things, it's hard to know how much better we feel without them.

It's a leap of faith, for sure, but after we get clean of refined stuff--and then re-ingest it--we know, experientially, how true this is.

I don't know why, but it totally makes me smile to imagine Aaron weighing his ham. That is totally cute. :)

With Love,
