Friday, July 27, 2007

14 Day Recharge

Where has the time gone?
Time passes and I haven't exercised much and I haven't tracked my food much. Yes, I've had a few things happen--like passing out, getting a concussion, and not being able to exercise for almost 2 weeks because I would get dizzy--going on vacation, and being busy with other things.
This week in our Ancient Wisdom of New Thought class we learned about how it's important to have our virtues in check. For example, courage is good, but if there is too much then you go into foolhardiness and if you have too little then you stay in fear. Whatever virtue it is that I need for this is apparently not in balance right now. I can be obsessive about my weight and think of counting calories and exercising all the time. Or I can not care at all and not do anything differently. I have to find that middle ground. I have to find a way to live the Buddhist Middle Way. I need to be motivated enough to continue doing the work but not so crazy about my weight that I am disgusted or negative about myself. I explained this to Donna and she agreed.
We agreed that we're both feeling happy with where we've come so far. Donna had the great idea to do a 14 day recharge to see some results and get us motivated in a positive manner. The good then pulls us rather than the negative pushing us. I think that is healthier.
So we're going to check in with each other daily at a minimum and see some results over the next 2 weeks. Hopefully we get ourselves back in the habit and it'll be even easier to keep doing it.

1 comment:

Donna said...

Yes! I do believe that will be the case, SBF!

Great thought on the pull versus the push, too. That's the answer we were looking for on Thursday morning, I think. I love it when that happens -- putting a question out there and then just waiting for the Universe to answer it.

I'm so glad we had our little chat to reconnect, which led to the 14 day recharge, which led to the "pull" thought, which leads to...we shall see, and I believe it will be more and more good things!

Talk to you later! Love you lots!