Saturday, June 27, 2009

Day 24

Yesterday got better after my initial pity party. I had a good talk with my husband and felt more positive again.

Things I'm proud of from yesterday: I ate only my packed meals at work, ate what I planned to eat for dinner with my friend Tracy, did Week 3 of C25K (without turning totally red!), and did not nibble at all after dinner. I went over to Tracy's house after work and we played on her Wii. It was so FUN! We did bowling, boxing, and baseball, then switched over to Guitar Hero. Guitar Hero is HARD! We weren't doing very well and we were still on the easy setting! haha! It was still a ton of fun!

Something I'm grateful for: Yoga Vista. (Have I used that one already?) It's a great Yoga studio with awesome teachers and a good atmosphere. I always feel better when I leave.

My Daily Give: I bought dinner for Tracy last night from Pick Up Stix. Oddly enough I've discovered that giving her things makes her feel uncomfortable so accepting the apple wood from her (for the bunnies to eat) might have actually been more of a gift to her. I guess she feels as if the balance is skewed when someone gives her something.

My plan for today: Well my day is half over already but my plan was to go to yoga, do some errands or stuff in doors while it's warm this afternoon and then do some work in my vegetable garden this afternoon. There is some stuff that is awfully overgrown and some stuff that is in need of fertilizer.

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