Monday, June 29, 2009

Day 26

I'm staying home from work today! :) I didn't feel very good yesterday. I didn't sleep well again last night (couldn't breathe). I woke up this morning and I felt like I really needed to skip work. Normally I wouldn't take the day off no matter how badly I wanted to because it seems trivial to "waste" the day. I needed it today on a soul level to have a day to myself. So I did!

I decided yesterday that I was going to go back to the "militant" way of sticking to my 5-6 meal a day plan. (Plan = 1 protein, 1 fruit for breakfast, a.m. snack and night snack; 1 protein, 1 vegetable, 1 fat for lunch and dinner; 1 protein, 1 vegetable for p.m. snack) I dont' really like the word militant but that's the word my husband used and it works. I do need to look at a Thesaurus though.

So far today I've stuck to it. Since I haven't been limiting my portions so much lately I've had some moments of hunger. I reminded myself that I'll be eating again very soon and went on to do something else. Usually when I recommit my first day is when I'm the strongest, but I feel like today that my strength to stick to it in a militant way will grow stronger.

Today I had a really wonderful moment with my bunny Stanley. I picked her up (yes, Stanley is a girl) and carried her into the bedroom and set her on the bed with me. It filled my heart so much to play with her on my bed. She hopped on top of me while I laid down so I could pet her sitting on my chest. I love my bunnies!

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