Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Evaluation (Day 20 Exercise)

I didn't get around to this yesterday so I want to today:

1. What am I currently being or doing that IS working well?
I keep coming back. That's something I don't always do. Typically I get off track one day, then figure "While I'm off track, I might as well _____" but I've come back to my plan.

2. What IS NOT working well?
I've gotten off track a bit on my blog for the last couple of days but I think that's because of being out of town. I got off track a bit while on vacation by eating some foods I should not. Going on vacation is not an excuse for eating wheat & sugar. It's okay to let myself have some foods I wouldn't normally eat but that leeway shouldn't extend to wheat or sugar.
I noticed before that weekends were similarly tempting to be loose. Weekends need to be more structured in regards to food and exercise

3. What do I need to KEEP doing?
Exercise, eating packed meals, cooking healthy meals at night for my lunches

4. What do I need to CHANGE?
My weekends and "off" time. Just because I'm not going to work doesn't mean that I get to be totally loosey-goosey and doing whatever falls in front of me. I stil need to plan.

5. What ACTION will I take?
This weekend I will plan out my food & exercise just as if it was a weekday. To help jump start me on this, I think I will do a 2-day juice cleanse.

6. By what DATE?
This weekend I will do a juice cleanse.

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