Today was a charmed morning! I got up at 5:30 and got to the gym around 6 for an hour of the elliptical machine and "Charmed" on TV. That's three days in a row! I also went to yoga last night--though it was more stretching and strengthening than sweating so I'm not counting it towards my 4 hours for the week.
In the interest of honesty, I will say that last night I was having some feelings of "this will never happen" and "this isn't working". Of course I don't want to dwell in those feelings and they didn't last long but it did make me stop and ask myself what am I still fearing. I started having these feelings after watching the Oprah show about "The Secret"--which I realize seems very contrary to the topic of the show. A woman complained of not being about to lose weight. Lisa Nichols asked her if she realized she deserved to be healthy and thin and that it is our Divine right to be that way. I guess somewhere along the way over the past 36 (almost 37)years I've gotten it in my head that I didn't deserve it. I know there is still a bit of me that believes that, but I think if I keep telling myself that I do deserve it that it will creep into my psyche and I'll eventually believe it.
I deserve to be at a healthy weight. It is the desire of God my Infinite Source that I live in the circumstances that make me feel good and being thin would feel good!
Exercise 3/1 by Feb 11
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You said it, SBF! You soooo do deserve it! It is your divine right! And you're claiming it!
I heard something last night (of course, you know the rest of this sentence) during a teleseminar (or was it Rev. Michael Beckwith? I may be getting all my teachers confused), that the AWARENESS is what is key. Once you're aware, like you were last night, you can say, "I choose my thoughts again."
And isn't that the most wonderful thing?! Instead of living in that realm of un-awake thinking, you're awake! So, absolutely, positively, no beating up of Marji for having those thoughts. Congratulate yourself for noticing them and then not dwelling there.
You did good!
Hold out your hand and take a high five from "Little Donna" :)
I love how you are being so right on with your commitment around your eating and "sweating" exercise. I believe this will serve you in manifesting your vision! I honestly think that getting to a level of exercise where we sweat a bit helps us with the weight loss and maintenance part. Way to go, Marjorie! :) And meanwhile the stretching and strengthening yoga is so helpful on a multitude of levels as well.
Yes, please do keep telling yourself that, of course, you deserve to be healthy and whatever weight and size you have in mind. You are worthy of all the highest and best that God has available to you.
And though I did not get a chance to respond after I read your passage, here, initially--it gave me food for thought and I was thinking that I always knew I could be slim—I just did not know how to stop overrating.
Thank You, God! You know how to stop overeating! :) And now it is simply about consistently staying at a certain caloric intake, until you see those #s on the scale continue to go down. That is so doable and in your hands.
And I'm so glad you are acknowledging those "Delilah" thoughts and also moving onto other ones ASAP.
That seems to be the message I have been getting this past year as I'm learning more about "The Secret" and "The Law of Attraction."
Unless my thoughts, beliefs and daily actions feel like they are serving me or making me feel good--I am less and less willing to continue with them. You know?
I hear-- from the part of me that wants me to live a life I love in all ways--“You get what you think about—wanted or not.”
"Well, if you put it that way, I guess I'll think about what I want." :)
"I want to be healthy and at a weight that makes me feel good and feels true to me--like this is really my weight. I want to feel like I deserve this in every ounce of my being. I want to know, absolutely, that this is possible."
It's a funny thing that we spiritual beings having a human experience do to ourselves. We doubt or second guess ourselves on things that are important to us—sometimes periodically and sometimes all too often--especially if we have been working at something & are not seeing the results we want right away.
I find myself needing to put this into practice lately in other areas and switching these “Delilah” (self-defeating) thoughts ASAP to what I want lately—and reaffirming to myself how I truly do believe that all things are possible with God. And I know God is with me in it all.
It feels so much better when I walk around in a place of faith—and apparently we need to feel this deeply to emanate it outward and draw to us what we love and desire.
Meanwhile, I trust that all of this is perfect and part of our process. When we know better—we do better and when you and I knew in our hearts that it worked better for us to follow our NAFP—we started in—and when we know deep down that it is best to believe in our ability to be slim and affirm that we are deserving of this—we do that too.
You have the power, Marjorie. You are a child of God—an instrument of all that God is.
Remember when we were starting the NAFP we would pray "TWBD" (Thy will be done) and get into PACE (Positive Action Changes Everything) to not let our old brain mess with us.
Well—I was thinking that these kinds of thoughts could be an invitation-- from God to you--to reconnect with him, right then and there, to close your eyes, center and ask for God’s perspective on this whole thing. I am sure you will hear something that is loving and supportive of your Highest self. There is a part of you that knows the truth about you and all that is possible for you. I'd listen to that part. :)
Love and appreciate you so much.
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